Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Post #100

Well, I've made it to 100 blog posts. Not quite one hundred days on my journey since many Mondays there have been 2 posts...weigh-in and another...but getting close. I started on this journey on July 19th and here we are on October 19th and I'm still going strong. That's 3 months down the road and I can hold my head up high and feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment with what has happened so far.

I've been down this road a time or two in my past. I've felt this good after 3 months before and then had it fall apart. 2007 for example....soooo, I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse and trying not to get too far ahead of myself. I'm proud of what I've done but am still holding myself back on getting too big a head through this ordeal and life change because the true test will be where I am a year from now or even another 100 blog posts from now. About that time it will be part way into 2011 and I'll be 6 months into this.

This blog has really been something new to me. It's been somewhat therapeutic for me. I'm single and live alone and don't get to converse with many people at night after work...I'm not a big fan of the phone since I had some phone-based jobs in the 90s. So, I don't get to talk alot about my day or my life or some of the hard times I have with trying to eat right, exercise, etc with all these changes. But you guys reading out there are the best. I get loads of encouragement from all of you and I appreciate every single bit of it. You are all a HUGE part of this and I want you all to know this...I could not do this without you. Losing weight is a very personal thing and something you have to do for yourself but I've learned that you can't do it alone. The times I have failed, and there have been many, have been because I have not been interested in a support system or in putting myself out there to be helped. I can be a very independent, stubborn person at times and that has been a good thing in some situations but has also been a detriment in my life in losing weight.

I believe though that this blog is helping me evolve and trust more in people with what I reveal. There are still lots and lots and lots and lots...well, you get the idea...of things I haven't told you and those are things I'm not ready to divulge and with some of them that I might not ever divulge but I'm feeling more at ease.

So, in a closing to a very rambling blog entry, I'd just like to say a hearty "THANK YOU!!!!" to all of you reading, commenting, supporting, helping, motivating, listening and respecting what I'm doing. But most of all, thanks for believing in me maybe more than I may have believed in myself. 100 blog posts down and the rest of my life to go...thanks for being along for the ride and I'm looking forward to continuing down this road together.

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